EN 13445-3 - Ann.F - Allowable external pressure for vessels outside circularity tolerance
This sheet should be used when the circularity tolerance is beyond the maximum value determined in the sheet for circularity OK.
This sheet uses the calculation in unstiffened cylinders per, where L is the unsupported length defined in Figures 8.5-1 and 8.5-2 below. The same calculation may be used also for interstiffener collapse verification ( as it is safe also in those cases. For stiffened cylinders the unsupported length is defined in Figures 8.5-6 and 8.5-7 below, with the help of Figures 8.5-8 and 8.5-9 and of the formulae herebelow.
Unstiffened cylinders
Figure 8.5-1 Figure 8.5-2
Stiffened cylinders
Figure 8.5-6 Figure 8.5-7 Figure 8.5-8 Figure 8.5-9 L=L's-w''1+0.4h'
In the case of flanges acting as stiffeners, Figure 8.5-9 defines w from the location of point A.
Circularity tolerance
The circularity tolerance is measured on radius from the true center and shall appear on vessel drawings. It should be verified per Annex D and the read values for radii entered in the 2nd page of this sheet.