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Sua busca por " EN13445-3:2002 " devolvidos pelos seguintes exemplares:
Required thickness of conical shells: under internal pressure: Calculation based on inside diameter
Allowable external pressure: of cylindrical shells: circularity outside tolerance
Minimum thickness of cylindrical shells under internal pressure: e/De<=0.16: Calculation based on outer diameter
Junction between the large end of a cone and a cylinder: with knuckle: cone and cylinder with constant thicknesses: under internal pressure
Minimum thickness of: torispherical ends: under internal pressure
Allowable external pressure: of cylindrical shells: circularity within tolerance
Minimum thickness of: spherical shells: spherical parts of shells: hemispherical ends: central zone of torispherical ends: spherical knuckles of cones to cylinders: under internal pressure: e/De<=0.16: Calculation based on inner radius
Minimum thickness of: ellipsoidal ends: under internal pressure
Junction between the large end of a cone and a cylinder: without a knuckle: cone and cylinder with constant thicknesses: under internal pressure
Minimum thickness of cylindrical shells under internal pressure: e/De<=0.16: Calculation based on inner diameter
Required thickness of conical shells: under internal pressure: Calculation based on outside diameter
Calculation of: departure from the true circle: of: cylinders: cones: measurements at: 24 equispaced angular positions
Minimum thickness of: spherical shells: spherical parts of shells: hemispherical ends: central zone of torispherical ends: spherical knuckles of cones to cylinders: under internal pressure: e/De<=0.16: Calculation based on outer radius

Exemplo aleatório
Biblioteca (1546)
Vigas (530)
Frames (228)
ico (48)
ico (180)
ico (44)
ico (52)
ico (84)
2 hinges (21)
Unif.vert.on girder
Unif.pressure:on girder left half
Unif.pressure:on girder right half
Unif.vert.on girder left half
Unif.vert.on girder right half
Unif.on left post
Unif.horiz.on girder left half
Unif.horiz.on girder right half
Unif.on right post
Distr.on girder left half
Distr.on girder right half
Distr.on left post
Distr.on right post
Point on girder left half
Point on girder right half
Point: on left post
Point hor.on girder left half
Point hor.on girder right half
Point: on right post
2 fixed (21)
Fix-pin (21)
Pin-fix (21)
Arcos (285)
Pipes (90)
Plates (299)
Vessels (69)
Stability (30)
Other (15)

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